Paul Gazis, PhD - Physicist, Author, Pilot

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Flying in the Sierras

Books and Writing

Paul Gazis began writing during his long career at NASA, with contributions to the foot-launched aviation press that included the epic adventure Flight To The Borderlands, technical articles, some imaginative art, and a well-received science fiction tale that may be lost to humanity forever. This led, on a path that now seems inevitable, to many things.

Which you can find here.


The Voyages of His Majesty's Airship, the Flying Cloud

His Majesty's Airship, The Flying Cloud His Majesty's Airship, The Flying Cloud Coming soon... Book 3

Short Stories

The Ramships of Agorra

Doppler's Sword Goldilocks ex Machina Pursuit Curve

The Mesotech Wranglers

The Mesotech Wranglers A Fistful of Mesotechs

Other Tales

How to Have Fun With Your Spirit Animal A Manual for Unliving